Industry News

Comic Book Takes Tween on an Oral Hygiene Adventure

Children often have poor oral hygiene habits, and they also don’t like going to the dentist. But they do like superheroes, prompting dentist Nathan A. Swanson, DDS, and cartoonist Cory Levine to collaborate on a comic book designed to inspire them to improve their oral health. 

DEN-TOR! The Barbarian Hygienist takes “totally over it” tween Becka to the mythical world of Mouthgärd, where she engages in educational adventures with the eponymous hero. The comic’s creators promise action and hilarity as Becka learns why proper oral care is one of the keys to lasting health.

The comic brings together the ADA’s recommendations for proper oral care with dynamic visual storytelling and family friendly humor to deliver an important message to the young and the young at heart, the creators report.

“What we really hope to do with this comic is offer a fresh take on the well-worn advice given by dentists everywhere,” said Swanson. 

“Educating patients about the importance of brushing and flossing is a critical part of every dentist’s job, but there’s nothing that says we can’t deliver that message in a fun, entertaining, and humorous way. This comic is for adults and kids alike who could use a reminder of why and how to brush and floss every day,” Swanson said.  

Swanson holds a dental degree from the Ohio State University and worked at an Appalachian clinic and elsewhere before joining Newmarket Dental. Levine was a member of the editorial staff at Marvel Comics and wrote for Dark Horse Comics, VIZ Media, and Fulcrum Publishing before founding First Edition Publishing.

DEN-TOR! The Barbarian Hygienist is available at

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