Companies Offer Relief for Hurricane Harvey Victims


As the Gulf Coast continues to get pounded by Hurricane Harvey, Henry Schein and Patterson Dental are offering relief for dental professionals and practices who have been affected.

Henry Schein has opened its Disaster Relief Hotline for dentists who may experience operational, logistical, or financial issues as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. The toll-free number for all Henry Schein customers is (800) 999-9729, and it is operational from 8 am to 7 pm eastern time. 

“For our customers who have practices that may be damaged or otherwise affected by the storm, we are here to help recover and rebuild,” said Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Henry Schein. “Our hotline is open, and we encourage practitioners to call for assistance.”

The Henry Schein Disaster Relieve Hotline remains open throughout the year to provide assistance to practitioners adversely affected by disasters. The company also offers its Recovery Guide for Office Based Practitioners for more resources and information.

Patterson Dental is offering a variety of financial terms to dentists who have been operationally affected by Hurricane Harvey to help them re-equip and resupply their practices. It is conducting its outreach efforts through its Houston, San Antonio, and New Orleans branches.

Dentists affected by the hurricane in Texas and Louisiana counties where a state of emergency has been declared can obtain assistance by contacting their local representative or by calling (800) 873-7683.

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