Compete Where It Counts: Why Your Practice’s Online Presence Matters

Written by: Jackie Ulasewich-Cullen


Many dental practices believe they don’t need to worry about the competition down the street. After all, with a larger team, cutting-edge technology, or a more personal approach to patient care, it’s easy to assume your practice naturally stands out. While these strengths may hold true in real life, they can be lost when prospective patients search online. Their decision often boils down to what they can find on the internet—which may not always reflect the true patient experience your practice delivers.

Compete Where It Counts: Why Your Practice’s Online Presence Matters

In our work with dental practices across the country, we’ve seen this mindset time and time again. It’s easy for doctors and office managers to focus on providing high-quality care and trust that word of mouth will carry the practice’s reputation. While that may have been true in the past, today’s patients rely heavily on online research before making a decision—making your practice’s online presence just as important as the care you provide.

Understanding the Online Patient Journey

When prospective patients search for a new dentist, their decision-making process rarely hinges on just one factor. Instead, they look at multiple touchpoints—your reviews, website, and social media profiles—comparing them with others in the area. If you aren’t actively managing how your practice appears online, you might not even make it onto their shortlist.

Take reviews, for example. We often hear doctors say that patient care sets their practice apart, but online, reviews are often the most visible reflection of that care. If your competitors have more frequent or better reviews, prospective patients may not even make it to your website. Similarly, if a neighboring practice has updated its website with patient-friendly content—before-and-after photos, virtual tours, or testimonials—they may seem more appealing.

While your practice may indeed offer superior care, online, you’re only as good as the story you tell. If you don’t showcase what makes you unique, potential patients may see your practice as just another option without realizing why you’re the best fit.

Regularly Monitor Your Competition

It’s crucial to periodically go online and see what other practices in your area are doing. Just as you wouldn’t run your practice without regularly evaluating patient outcomes, you shouldn’t neglect to review your competitors’ online presence. Here’s why:

  • Identify Shifts in Competitor Marketing: If a neighboring practice has invested in new marketing strategies—such as an improved website, stronger social media presence, or more targeted ads—it’s important to be aware of these changes. Are they positioning themselves as a leader in certain treatments? Are they more active on platforms like Instagram or Facebook? This information can give you a clearer picture of how your practice stacks up.
  • Spot Gaps in Your Own Marketing: Are other practices promoting services you offer but aren’t highlighting on your site? Have they started using video testimonials while your practice still relies on text reviews? Understanding what others are doing can help you identify opportunities to improve or differentiate your own marketing.
  • Stay Current and Relevant: Marketing trends shift frequently, and what worked a few years ago may not work today. Practices that stay on top of changes in online marketing will attract more patients, while those that don’t risk falling behind. Regularly reviewing your competitors’ presence can inspire fresh ideas for keeping your marketing relevant.

How to Take Action

If you notice a practice in your area stepping up its marketing efforts, it’s a good time to assess whether you’re doing enough to stand out. Here are a few ways to stay ahead:

  • Audit Your Online Presence: Take time to evaluate your practice’s online presence. Review your website—Is it easy to navigate? Does it feature updated testimonials and treatment information? Check your social media profiles—Are they engaging and current? And don’t forget to assess your reviews—Are they recent, positive, and reflective of the care you provide?
  • Update Your Content Regularly: Whether it’s blog posts, testimonials, or before-and-after photos, regularly updating your content helps ensure your practice appears active and engaged. Regular updates can also help improve your visibility in search results.
  • Highlight What Sets You Apart: Don’t assume potential patients will automatically know why your practice is the best choice. Be explicit about what makes you unique. Whether it’s advanced technology, specialized treatments, or exceptional customer service, make sure these qualities are clearly communicated across your website, social media, and reviews.

The Key to Staying Ahead

Your practice’s online presence is often the first point of contact for prospective patients. While you may feel confident in the care you provide, it’s essential to ensure that confidence is reflected in your online marketing. By regularly monitoring your competitors and making updates to your online presence, you can stay ahead of the curve and continue growing your practice.

At My Dental Agency, we’ve seen firsthand the impact a strong online presence can have. Practices that invest in digital marketing are more likely to attract new patients and grow, while those that ignore it may struggle to stand out. The good news? It’s never too late to start improving your online game.


With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich-Cullen decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency.

Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns.

She can be reached at (800) 689-6434 or via email at