2017 Chicago Midwinter Meeting

Composite Designed for Aesthetics and Durability

Coltene’s Brilliant EverGlow universal submicron hybrid composite is designed to meet the demands of both aesthetics and durability in anterior and posterior restorations. According to the company, it immediately shows an exceptional smooth surface with a satin shine directly after placing the filling, making polishing a minor issue and minimizing the time needed for performing highly aesthetic restorations.

Also, Coltene states that the filling material excels through its pronounced gloss retention, maintaining its initial gloss after 6,000 cycles in a toothbrush simulator. In a field test of the material’s polishability with 39 dentists from Europe and the United States, 100% of the participants gave Brilliant EverGlow a positive judgement, and 76.9% of them gave it the highest possible score.

The application of a single shade can provide unerring and highly aesthetic restorations, Coltene says. In addition to the 7 universal composite shades, 2 translucent shades provide the option of an individual characterization of particularly translucent enamel areas. The Brilliant EverGlow shade system is completed with 3 opaque shades that mask strongly discolored teeth and provide the basis for aesthetic restorations.

Plus, Brilliant EverGlow’s smooth consistency and dimensional stability make it easy and convenient to apply in cavities, the company states. Elaborately modeled cusps, ledges, and contact points remain intact and do not slump. Furthermore, the composite’s high resistance to prolonged exposure to surgery lighting completes its ideal handling, Coltene says. Its wettability supports adhesion to bonded tooth surfaces instead of sticking to the instruments as well.

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