Coroner Needs Dentists’ Help in Identifying Body

This is a computer reconstruction of what the deceased woman may have looked like.


On March 7, 2015, the skeletonized remains of a white female were found in the woods of West Chester Township, Ohio. The deceased woman appeared to be between the ages of 35 and 60 and about 5 feet 6 inches tall, with natural brown and some gray hair. DNA testing failed to identify her, but now dentists may be able to help based on her prosthetics.

The woman was edentulous and used full upper dentures and an implant-retained full lower denture. The implants were made by Straumann Dental and manufactured in 2003. Specifically, they are the 4.8 SX Body x 6.5 Wide Neck Restorative Platform, Lot No. 1014, and either a 6-mm or 8-mm length, per Straumann TTI.

Also, the woman had MIDI-type temporary dental mini-implants, likely placed to stabilize the full lower denture while the permanent implants integrated. The extra-oral attachment on the mini-implant on the left side of her mandible had been cut off when the LOCATOR-retained permanent implants were engaged with her full lower denture. The endosseous bodies of the mini-implant remained in the mandible.

Straumann Dental gave the Butler County Coroner’s Office a list of all dentists and dental facilities that received implants from Lot No. 1014, and investigators are now asking those practitioners to review records of their implant patients from 2003 through March 2015 for any potential information that could be used in identification.

The cause of death is still unknown, and investigators believe she had died sometime in the 6 months before the body’s discovery. Dental professionals or anyone else who may have information about her identity are encouraged to call the Butler County Coroner’s Office at (513) 785-5860 or email

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