Industry News

Course Supports Sedation Certificate Renewal

The New York County Dental Society will present its Sedation Certificate Renewal program on Wednesday, September 18, from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm in New York City. It will provide 12 hours of continuing education as required by New York State for renewal every three years of the Enteral Sedation Certificate, including:

  • Introduction and review of the New York State and ADA sedation guidelines and permit requirements
  • Required equipment and additional training
  • Risk assessment
  • Recordkeeping requirements
  • Medications classification, metabolism, and goals
  • Management of complications and emergencies
  • Recovery and rescue from deeper levels of moderate sedation to general anesthesia
  • Reversal agents including Narcan training and Flumazenil administration
  • Airway management
  • Post-treatment management

The class will be led by Marc M. Gottlieb, DDS, a member of the staff at Stony Brook Hospital. It costs $495 for ADA members, $595 for all other dentists, and $195 for staff with dentist. Registration before August 15 includes a $25 discount. For more information, call (212) 573-8500 or visit

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