Industry News

Customer Satisfaction With Dental Plans Improves in 2019

Customer satisfaction with dental plans increased in 2019, driven by year-over-year increases in coverage and communication experience, according to the JD Power 2019 Dental Plan Satisfaction Report. According to the report, overall satisfaction increased to 772 on a 1,000-point scale from 768 in 2018.

DentaQuest ranked highest with a score of 810, performing particularly well in customer service and communication, JD Power says. Blue Cross Dental/Blue Shield Dental was second with 806, and HumanaDental was third with 780.

The report is based on responses from more than 1,400 dental plan members from the 11 largest dental providers in the United States in October 2019. While most dental care providers included typically provide insurance coverage through the customer’s employer, DentaQuest largely provides government plans.

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