Industry News

Deadline for ADHA Annual Session Registration Fast Approaching

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association is coming to Boston in less than a month, and the time to join in the festivities grows short. The dental hygiene profession has reached a venerable 100 years, and this year’s celebration—“Proud Past, Unlimited Future”—at the Center for Lifelong Learning at the 90th Annual Session (CLL/AS) will be the biggest in ADHA’s history.

With a game at Fenway Park, speeches from Geena Davis and Erin Brockovich, and a charity gala hosted by Hollywood legend Debbie Reynolds, the week is packed with events for attendees new and old. The event also features world class continuing education courses from speakers around the country, and an exhibit hall brimming with information on the latest products and innovations the oral health community has to offer. Tech-savvy attendees are encouraged to download the “ADHA 2013” app (available for Android and iPhone users) to keep up with the latest developments, and map out their schedules.

The highlight of the exhibit hall will be the interactive ADHA/Henry Schein Dream Center. Participants will be able to experience new products at six hands-on stations staffed by company representatives.

The final registration deadline is this Friday, June 7th, though onsite registration will be available. Media can request a press badge by clicking here. The Center for Lifelong Learning takes place at the Hynes Convention Center in downtown Boston from Wednesday, June 19th to Saturday, June 22nd, with the Annual Session to follow at the adjacent Sheraton Hotel from the 23rd-25th. For a complete schedule of events, visit the registration page and click “2013 Schedule.”

About the American Dental Hygienists’ Association

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) is the largest national organization representing the professional interests of more than 150,000 dental hygienists across the country. Dental hygienists are preventive oral health professionals, licensed in dental hygiene, who provide educational, clinical and therapeutic services that support total health through the promotion of optimal oral health. For more information about ADHA, dental hygiene or the link between oral health and general health, visit ADHA at