2017 Chicago Midwinter Meeting

Debrider Addresses NiTi’s Shortcomings

The XP-3D Shaper endodontic debridement instrument from Brasseler USA is designed to address the shortcomings of traditional NiTi instrumentation.

Unlike conventional NiTi files, for example, the XP-3D Shaper features the company’s MaxWire Technology, which allows the instrument to expand and become more robust when exposed to body temperature. Once an adequate glide path is established, the XP-3D Shaper can clean the entire canal without the need for multiple files.

The XP-3D Shaper also features a small flexible core (No. 30.01) that is extremely resistant to cyclic fatigue, according to Brasseler USA. Its unique serpentine design allows the instrument to gently abrade the inner walls of the root canal without the stress associated with conventional NiTi files.

With conventional solid-core NiTi files, clinicians often are forced to over-prepare or under-prepare the canal. The XP-3D Shaper’s unique free-floating adaptive core, however, allows the instrument’s smaller central core to move freely and adapt to the canal’s natural anatomy. It also creates enhanced turbulence for improved irrigation.

XP-3D Shapers are packaged in single-use sets of 3 files each for simplified handling and sterile application. They can be used with any endodontic handpiece, though Brasseler USA suggests use with its EndoSync Endodontic Handpiece System, which provides real-time apex locator readings as users progress down the canal.

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