Table of Contents

December 2012

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An Aesthetic Application for Lithium Disilicate: Treatment of Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors and Canine Substitution
Jonathan L. Ferencz, DDS, presents a case report showing applications for lithium disilicate in the treatment of missing incisors and for canine substitution.

Endodontic Diagnosis: There’s an App for That!
James Bahcall, DMD, MS, presents an interesting way to think about endodontic diagnosis.

The CT/CBCT-Based Team Approach to Care: Part 3: Identifying Prosthetic Options Through Team Communication
Michael Tischler, DDS, and Scott D. Ganz, DMD, complete their 3-part series discussing the team approach to fixed implant dentistry.

Titanium-Zirconium Implants: A Case Report: Immediate Provisional and Restoration Using a Small-Diameter System
Mariano A. Polack, DDS, MS, and Joseph M. Arzadon, MD, DDS, present a case involving the immediate provisionalization and restoration of a small-diameter titanium-zirconium implant replacing a maxillary canine.

A New Approach to Implant Provisionalization

Marc Liechtung, DMD, demonstrates an efficient and predictable provisional technique that can be used for implant cases.

Monolithic Zirconia: Minimizing Adjustments
Larry R. Holt, DDS, and Leendert (Len) Boksman, DDS, BSc, present a rationale and technique for minimizing adjustments on monolithic zirconium oxide

Biting Into Sound
Lawrence D. Singer, DMD, discusses a nonsurgical device that helps patients with single-sided deafness regain their hearing.

A Minimally Invasive Smile Restoration: A Case Report Describing a Multitechnique Approach Over Time
Renato Herman Sundfeld, DDS, MS, PhD, et al address the treatment stages and 10-year clinical follow-up of dental work done on a young patient.

High-Tech, High-Touch: Use or Abuse?

Melatonin Levels and Periodontitis

Reducing Inflammation and Bone Loss Related to Gum Disease