Delta Dental Donates Produce to Wisconsin Food Pantries


Delta Dental of Wisconsin is contributing healthy food and toothbrushes to five food pantries across the state to celebrate National Smile Month and promote the role of good nutrition in maintaining oral health.

“Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once a day are great ways to avoid gum disease and tooth decay, but foods packed with vitamins and minerals are essential too,” said Fred Eichmiller, DDS, vice president and science officer at Delta Dental of Wisconsin.

“For example, leafy greens including spinach and kale are full of vitamin K, which helps remineralize teeth and acts as a shield to block substances that break down teeth,” Eichmiller said. 

Only 7.5% of Wisconsinites eat the daily recommended vegetable allowance, and less than 13% eat the recommended fruit allowance, Delta Dental of Wisconsin reports. The company recognizes that the cost of fresh produce prevents people of all income levels from meeting these recommendations, so it is donating fresh fruits and vegetables to these pantries.

Each donation site will receive $1,000 in fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, in addition to 1,000 toothbrushes. Delta Dental of Wisconsin also is providing $2,000 grants to each of the five pantries to restock nutritious, perishable foods during the year.

Furthermore, Delta Dental encourages residents to help #GrowWisconsinSmiles by planting their own fruits and vegetables and donating extra produce or time to their local food pantries, which often rely on volunteers and donations to support their operations.

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