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Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation Awards Over 500k in Grants

How can I get a healthy smile? Thanks to funding of more than half a million dollars by the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation, many Arkansans are about to find out.

The Foundation has just awarded a total of $502,973 to 21 Arkansas nonprofit and community organizations through its 2023 Community Grants Program. Ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 each, the grants will deliver community-focused oral health initiatives to tens of thousands of Arkansans, mainly low-income, uninsured and underserved residents.

Projects include a series of public service announcements about oral health, free dental hygiene kits for seniors in the Central River Valley, dental care for cancer patients and more.

delta dental of Arkansas foundation
Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation Awards Over 500k in Grants

“Lack of equitable access to dental care and oral health education remains a problem in Arkansas, especially in rural areas of the state and for low-income residents,” said Chrissy Jennings, the Foundation’s executive director. “These grants will help provide oral health services where needed most and greatly improve the recipients’ quality of life.”

The 2023 Community Grant funds, which will support oral health treatment programs or educational projects, will be distributed in January 2023.

Organizations receiving a total of $137,320 for programs with a primary focus on oral health education include:

  1. Arkansas PBS Foundation, Statewide
  2. Hispanic Community Services, Northeast Arkansas
  3. Literacy Council of Bowie and Miller Counties, Southwest Arkansas
  4. P.A.R.K. Foundation Inc., Central Arkansas
  5. Pediatric Plus Community Connections, Central Arkansas
  6. Songbird Multimedia and Performing Arts, Central Arkansas
  7. University of Arkansas Fort Smith Foundation, Northwest Arkansas
  8. White River Area Agency on Aging, North Central Arkansas

Organizations receiving a total of $365,653 for projects with a primary focus on dental treatment services include:

  1. CARTI Foundation, Statewide
  2. Community Dental Clinic, Northwest Arkansas
  3. Harmony Health Clinic, Central Arkansas
  4. Mountain Home Christian Clinic, North Central Arkansas
  5. Northwest Arkansas Children’s Shelter, Northwest Arkansas
  6. River City Ministry of Pulaski County, Central Arkansas
  7. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkoma, Northwest Arkansas
  8. Samaritan Community Center, Northwest Arkansas
  9. Shepherd’s Hope Neighborhood Medical Center, Central Arkansas
  10. St. Francis House NWA, Northwest Arkansas
  11. Gurdon School District, Southwest Arkansas
  12. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation, Central Arkansas
  13. WelcomeHealth, Northwest Arkansas

Each year, the Community Grant program seeks to improve the oral health of Arkansans through community partnerships by funding oral health education, preventative services and/or treatment for underserved individuals of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic statuses in Arkansas. Grants of up to $40,000 are available for eligible organizations and are awarded based on the applicants’ ability to meet the Foundation’s three strategic funding goals: empowerment and knowledge, equitable access, and systemic change.

Applications are typically accepted in mid-summer, with selections made in November and grant funds issued in January.

About the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation

The Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation is committed to transforming oral health through collaboration, innovation, education and service. Since 2015, the Foundation has contributed an average of $1 million per year to local communities to support oral health education, prevention and treatment programs.

More information is available at

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Karolina Grabowska from