Todays Dental News

Delta Dental Report: Most U.S. Adults See Dental Coverage as Vital to Wellness

Delta Dental finds an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults value dental insurance in supporting overall wellness, according to the recently released 2023 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report, a nationwide analysis of consumer opinions and behaviors relating to oral health.

delta dental
Source: Delta Dental-commissioned research in the 2023 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report.

The report indicates that having dental insurance provides health, emotional, and financial benefits ranging from good overall health to peace of mind to helping save money. Delta Dental commissioned the research, which included more than 2,000 U.S. adults and parents of children 12 and under.

“This year’s report underscores the critical role of dental insurance in supporting whole person health,” said James W. Hutchison, President & CEO, Delta Dental Plans Association. “As the nation’s leading dental benefits provider, we are deeply committed to fostering greater oral health equity through innovative and affordable dental plans, which will help lead to better overall health outcomes for all.”

Key findings from the 2023 report include:

Supporting optimal overall health

  • The report finds 86% of adults agree that having dental coverage allows for good overall health.
  • A vast majority of adults (82%) believe that dental insurance is an essential part of overall wellness.

Fostering emotional well-being

  • Nearly 9 in 10 adults (87%) agree that dental insurance gives them peace of mind.
  • Further, most adults (81%) say having dental insurance instills confidence in their smile.

Providing tangible cost benefits

  • More than 8 in 10 adults (85%) recognize dental insurance helps save money in the long run.

To read the full 2023 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report and learn more about the report’s methodology and findings, click here.


The 2023 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report is based upon Delta Dental Plans Association-commissioned research conducted between January 6 and January 23, 2023, by Material Holdings, LLC, a global insights and strategy consultancy, using an email invitation and online surveys of two audiences recruited through an opt-in panel:

  • 1,000 nationally representative Americans ages 18+
  • 1,253 parents of children ages 12 and under

Geographic distribution quotas were set to ensure a reliable and accurate representation of the U.S. population of adults and parents with children 12 and under. Research in this report has a margin of error of +/- 3%.


Based in Chicago, Illinois, Delta Dental Plans Association is the not-for-profit national association of the 39 independent Delta Dental companies. Through these companies, Delta Dental is the nation’s largest dental benefits provider, covering more than 89 million Americans and offering the country’s largest dental network with approximately 152,000 participating dentists. Over the last decade, Delta Dental companies and their foundations invested over $1.9 billion to improve the oral and overall health of our communities.

Visit for information on individual dental insurance plans and group dental insurance plans.