Denbur Named Illinois Exporter of the Year


The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) named Denbur an Exporter of the Year as part of its 2018 Governor’s Export Awards, held at the Union League of Chicago on May 24. The awards are the state’s highest recognition of export achievement, honoring Illinois companies that have achieved excellence in exporting as well as organizations that provide export assistance, DCEO reports.  

“Exports are a vital component of our economy and an important factor for continued economic growth. Illinois takes great pride in its export successes, which is why every year we recognize small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that work to promote export awareness for Illinois’ products and services,” said Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti. “Exporting is another way companies can succeed and grow their businesses here at home.”

Illinois is the number one exporting state in the Midwest and fifth in the United States. Last year, $65 billion worth of products manufactured in Illinois were sold around the world. Illinois exporting growth outpaced the national average by nearly 31%.

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