Dental Clinic Treats Many Missouri Residents

Dentistry Today


About 25 percent of people in Missouri have gone two years since seeing a dentist, according to the Missouri Dental Association.

That’s why a free dental clinic last week was essential for many people. The E-Plex at the Ozarks Empire Fair Grounds in Springfield, Mo. hosted the clinic.

There were hundreds of people who lined up for the chance to receive free dental treatment.

There were roughly 1,000 volunteers for the event, including dentists, students and people from the community.

According to information from the Missouri Dental Association, 80 percent of residents in the state know they should go for regular dental visits but only half of them do.

In order to be eligible for treatment during the two-day event, patients were required to pass a routine health examination.

Children as young as 3 were eligible for treatment and anyone under 18 had to be accompanied by an adult.