Today's Dental News

Dental Company in Texas Duping Children Into Dental Treatment

Police in Dallas are looking into an ongoing situation.

All About Dentistry, a Dallas dental clinic, is paying children $10 to perform dental drilling on them without notifying the children’s parents. The alleged recruiters are targeting an area where children gather during the summer and after school.

These illegal occurrences have happened six times in the last six months. The clinic conceded that it employs recruiters to bring in new Medicaid patients but won’t disclose the amount it pays them.

The receptionists implore the children to keep the dental visit a secret from their parents. In many of these cases, that isn’t problem.

The problem for All About Dentistry is that it’s illegal for this kind of dental visit to occur without a parent’s knowledge.

None of the records of the dental treatment have been produced at this point. The Medicaid records for one child, however, showed that $2,000 worth of dental bills came from All About Dentistry without a parent’s consent.

The Dallas Police Department continues to look into the allegations.