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Dental Education Leaders Elected to ADEA Board

WASHINGTON, March 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Susan H. Kass, R.D.H., Ed.D., Ryan Hajek, Huw F. Thomas, B.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., were elected as Vice Presidents to the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Board of Directors at the 2012 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in Orlando, Fla.

Ryan Hajek will serve a one-year term as ADEA Vice President for Students, Residents, and Fellows. He is currently a fourth year dental student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry.

Dr. Kass was elected ADEA Vice President for Allied Dental Program Directors, and she will serve a three-year term. She is the Dental Hygiene Program Director at Miami Dade College. Dr. Kass has been involved in dental hygiene education for over 35 years, serving as a faculty member, program director and the administrative assistant to the Dean of Allied Health Technologies.

Dr. Thomas was elected ADEA Vice President for Deans and will serve a three-year term. He is currently the Dean at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Thomas chaired the ADEA’s Council of Deans and the Section on Dentistry and Oral Health Sciences of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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About the American Dental Education Association

The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is the voice of dental education. Its members include all U.S. and Canadian dental schools and many allied and postdoctoral dental education programs, corporations, faculty, and students. The mission of ADEA is to lead individuals and institutions of the dental education community to address contemporary issues influencing education, research, and the delivery of oral health care for the health of the public. ADEA’s activities encompass a wide range of research, advocacy, faculty development, meetings, and communications like the esteemed Journal of Dental Education, as well as the dental school admissions services AADSAS, PASS, and CAAPID.

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