Industry News

Dental Practice Achieves 100% Carbon Neutrality

Artisan Dental of Madison, Wisconsin, has partnered with Carbon Credit Capital and GreenTrees to become certified as the first carbon neutral general dental practice in the United States.

The practice now offsets 100% of its greenhouse gas emissions associated with its operation including team business travel, team member commutes, office energy, and procurement of all supplies and materials required to provide oral healthcare services, it said.

Artisan Dental will purchase carbon offset credits from the GreenTrees reforestation program in the Mississippi Valley. GreenTrees’ Advanced Carbon Restored Ecosystem (ACRE) program plants new forests to sequester carbon, restore biodiversity, and clean and restore watersheds through new ecosystem creation on degraded lands throughout the Mississippi Valley.

“Becoming carbon neutral is another key step in realizing our mission to serve all of the stakeholders connected to our business,” said Scott Anderson, co-owner and director of stakeholder stewardship at Artisan Dental.

“The environment has always been one of Artisan Dental’s most important stakeholders based on our appreciation of the wide range of ecological services the environment provides. We feel we have both a responsibility and opportunity to be good stewards of the environment we all enjoy and depend on,” said Andersen.

Artisan Dental calls itself a mission-, vision, and values-oriented general dental practice. It also said its mission is to optimize the health and happiness of its patients, team members, suppliers, community, and the environment through exceptional quality care and sustainable business practices.

As part of its ongoing efforts to enact this mission, Artisan Dental said, it became a Certified B Corporation in 2017. Its business model also has been recognized as a Wisconsin Force Positive Change, Dane County Small Business, and multi-year “Best Places to Work” award winner.

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