DENTSPLY Prosthetics


Compartis ISUS Bars and Bridges are CAD/CAM-designed, high-precision suprastructures fabricated from a single block of titanium or cobalt chrome. They are available in (1) traditional bars or (2) fixed hybrid bars and bridges, and they fit more than 200 implant systems. What this means is a fully passive accurate fit—the first time. Gone are the days of broken bars, soldered adjustments, unhappy patients, and wasted chair time. Compartis ISUS CAD/CAM Bars and Bridges provide strength, flexibility of design, and customized accuracy to meet patients’ exacting needs. They will appreciate the confidence of a stable, passive-fitting, comfortable prosthetic and the long-term clinical success of their treatment plan. The design capability of ISUS Bars and Bridges covers same-arch suprastructure cases for up to 8 implant placements and 12 tooth units. For more information, call (800) 243-1942 or visit