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Devices Help People Suffering from Migraines

migraines, glidewell

Glidewell now supplies dentists with 2 devices proven effective at relieving their patients’ tension headaches and migraines: the NTI-tss Plus and the NTI OmniSplint.

By adding this new clinical opportunity to its family of preventive care products, Glidewell has made it easier than ever for dental clinicians to help the 30 million people in the United States who suffer from migraines (data on file).

The NTI-tss Plus has been prescribed by thousands of dentists for more than 20 years and is a trusted name in the industry. The device covers the anterior teeth and can be prescribed for either the upper or lower arch. Its patented design keeps the posterior teeth and canines out of occlusion, which reduces clenching intensity and protects dentition.

The new NTI OmniSplint similarly minimizes clenching and bruxing intensity but does so through a full-arch design. By covering both arches, the NTI OmniSplint provides patients with a comfortable solution for their migraines or tension headaches while eliminating all concerns clinicians may have of aspiration, supereruption of the posterior teeth, or long-term use.

For more information, call (866) 335-0744 or visit