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Digital Dentistry in the Spotlight

In this issue of Dentistry Today, we are featuring an interview with Dr. Gary Kaye, who, as a GP, has successfully implemented digital dentistry into his private practice in Manhattan. I first met Gary when we were both attending and lecturing at the Greater New York Dental Meeting a few years ago. I was immediately impressed by his passion and love for digital dentistry! We talked extensively about the new digital workflows revolutionizing the way dentistry is practiced, and I invited him to share his experiences and expertise with our readers. He broke into an infectious smile and cheerfully accepted the invitation. Well, one article blossomed into a 3-part series entitled “Restorative Digital Dentistry” (part 1, part 2, part 3). The article series focused on interesting and relevant information regarding the shift to a new digital-based practice paradigm, choosing the best digital dentistry strategy, and the implementation of these new technologies into the practice.

Gary continues to grow his digitally based practice and is part-owner in a pioneering digitally based dental laboratory business (Biodental Sciences) in the same building that is home to his practice. When I recently toured the laboratory this past June, I could not help but be impressed by the clean and modern facility staffed with digitally savvy dental technicians and an array of other well-trained personnel who were busy operating the very latest in CAD/CAM, 3-D printers, and other state-of-the-art high-tech equipment. By the way, it was this laboratory team that produced the beautiful digitally fabricated aesthetic work showcased in “Utilizing the Digital Workflow for Success,” an article by Gary that was published in April 2019.

If you ever have the chance to get to meet and know Gary, you will realize that he wants to see others get on a successful path to digital dentistry. So, we have decided to give him a platform here at Dentistry Today to do just that! That is why I am proud to announce that Dr. Gary Kaye will now be serving as our digital dentistry editor. Welcome to the Dentistry Today editorial team, Gary! Please enjoy reading yet another exciting issue of Dentistry Today!

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