Directa Dental


PO BOX 723
Finvids väg 8
SE-194 27 Upplands Väsby

Tel: +46-8-50650575
Fax: +46-8-59030630

DIRECTA – Innovative product development by and for dentists

Directa AB is a Swedish, privately owned company which was founded in 1916 and has around twenty-five employees.
The company is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of dental products in the Nordic region, with the main focus on development and production of innovative products that facilitate the everyday work of dental practitioners and make life easier for their patients.
Directa is involved in a number of business activities; from developing and manufacturing of products to marketing and sales in over 90 countries. The company’s five largest export markets are currently: Germany, France, USA, U.K. and Scandanavia. Currently our five biggest selling products worldwide are: Luxator Extraction Instruments, ProphyPaste, FenderWedge, FenderMate and PractiPal Tray System.

Email: info@directadental.com
The Directa Team:
Olle Larsson
E-mail: olle.larsson@directadental.com
Tel: +46-8-506 505 76
Mobile:+46-708-593 483
Henric Karsk
Sales Manager
E-mail: henric.karsk@directadental.com
Tel: +46-8-506 505 78
Mobile: +46-708-593 488
Frank Cortes
Sales Manager- USA
E-mail: frank.cortes@directadental.com
Tel: +1-203-438 8832
Mobile: +1-203-788 4224