Industry News

Discus Dental Supports Operation Gratitude

US Armed Forces Overseas Will Receive Donated BreathRx

Culver City, CA, July 22, 2010 – Today, Discus Dental LLC announced it has donated approximately $10,000 in oral hygiene products to Operation Gratitude, an organization that sends care packages to members of the U.S. Armed Forces overseas. By collecting donations from attendees at recent tradeshows (AAE, AACD and CDA), and dedicating a percentage of all show sales to this effort, Discus has sent hundreds of units of BreathRx™ Oral Hygiene Products to Operation Gratitude.

“The extremely arid climates in which our troops serve cause very dry mouths and throats. said Carolyn Blashek, Founder of Operation Gratitude.“As a result, some of the most requested items from our men and women overseas are oral hygiene products. We are delighted that Discus has made such a generous donation to our Armed Forces.”

The donation included a wide range of BreathRx products, including mouth rinse, toothpaste and floss. BreathRx is the #1 dentist-dispensed breath care system – a total hygiene regimen offering superior fresh breath protection in three easy steps – brush, scrape, rinse. All of the products in the BreathRx system are powered by Zytex® and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), a proprietary blend of ingredients designed to eliminate bad breath at the source and neutralize odors. All BreathRx products are 100% alcohol-free and sugar-free.

Operation Gratitude is the California-based non-profit, volunteer-based organization that sends care packages of snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and on military ships at sea.  Its mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member’s face and to express to all our Armed Forces the appreciation and support of the American people.  Since its inception in March 2003, Operation Gratitude has shipped more than 560,000 packages to American military deployed overseas.

About Discus Dental LLC: Discus Dental offers a broad array of progressive, quality dental products and equipment that spans aesthetics, whitening, oral hygiene, endodontics, impression materials, composites, lasers and general operatory devices. By selling direct, Discus empowers dental professionals worldwide with premium products and affordable practice solutions. The company is widely recognized as the leading marketing and branding company in dentistry. Discus products are available in over 100 countries. Discus is headquartered in Culver City, California. More information is available at

For media inquiries please contact:
Discus Dental, LLC
Nina Harlow
(310) 845-8354