Season 1

Injection Molded Composite Dentistry

Dr. Jihyon Kim shares her thoughts and perspectives on why our techniques for placing direct composite dentistry needs to change. For more, read her full interview

Previously in Season 1


{tab Episode 7 | Digital Dentistry}

The Digital Workflow in Restoration Cases
Dr. Gary Kaye discusses the growing role of digital dentistry in everyday practices and explains how it was essential in one case where he and his team needed to restore one patient’s maxillary central incisors. For more, see his latest article.


{tab Episode 6 | Technology}

Hot Technologies at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting
Dentistry Today Technology Editor Dr. Paul Feuerstein discusses some of the hot technologies he saw at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting, including intraoral scanners, 3-D printers, and one-visit dentistry. For more, see the latest edition of his Technology Today column.


{tab Episode 5 | Mini Implants}

In this week’s Wednesday Watch, Dr. Todd Shatkin, one of the industry’s leading experts in mini dental implants, explains how to choose your first case when placing mini implants by keeping it simple. Do you want mini implants to change your life along with your patient’s life?



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