Season 1

Placing Mini Implants


In this week’s Wednesday Watch, Dr. Todd Shatkin, one of the industry’s leading experts in mini dental implants, explains how to choose your first case when placing mini implants by keeping it simple. Do you want mini implants to change your life along with your patient’s life?

Visit or call one of our professional sales staff at (716) 839-2959.

Previously in Season 1

{tab Episode 4 | Composites}

Better and Faster Root Canal Treatments
Dr. Manor Haas shows how to increase efficiency without sacrificing quality. For more, see his latest article.


{tab Episode 3 | Composites}

Dr. Peter Auster and a Groundbreaking Composite
Dr. Peter Auster introduces an innovative new composite, Tokuyama Dental America’s Omnichroma, which only requires one shade for all restorations. For more, read his article.


{tab Episode 2 | Oral Cancer}

Oral Cancer Awareness Month
Jo-Anne Jones, president of RDH Connection Inc, discusses the impact of oral cancer, the role of HPV in its spread, and the importance of regular screenings in saving lives as we celebrate Oral Cancer Awareness Month. She can be reached at



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