Industry News

Edentulism2023 – The First Conference on Edentulism

Edentulism is not rare; it affects millions of adults globally. In the last decade, many scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of different implant techniques for edentulous patients. The technological advances followed by great surgeons have led to successful outcomes. ZAGA Centers have gathered the range of available treatment options through Edentulism2023, a conference with first-class speakers and proficients that will provide an overview of treatment options and their associated level of scientific evidence.


The restoration of a smile can be satisfactory and challenging; from the consultation to the procedure, a considerable evaluation is involved for surgeons on how and why they should choose a particular treatment. Keeping that in mind, one question stands out: What is really possible surgically and prosthetically to restore a smile for an edentulous patient? Depending on the needs, anatomy, and health situation, we can find different options.

Edentulism2023 has prepared a wide outline that includes overdentures, dental implants, short Implants, nasal implants, all-on-x, pterygoid implants, zygomatic implants, prostheses, bone grafting, and subperiosteal implants. Not only that, Edentulism2023 will review ethics, risk factors, aftercare, and all the essential issues that fulfill the whole process of taking care of edentulous patients to achieve their well-being.

“Our interest is focused on providing great scientific information on procedures by sharing our knowledge with the dental professionals, to find the best path to help the patient” – Dr. Carlos Aparicio – Founder ZAGA Center and Keynote Speaker on Edentulism2023.

As part of the dental implant community, ZAGA Centers is excited to host this event, providing an exceptional opportunity to learn more about the most current technologies and best practices to improve oral health in edentulous patients.

To get the most out of the event, Edentulism2023 will be held in the beautiful Canary Island from the 4th to the 6th of May 2023, receiving more than 450 participants.

Find out more about it at

ZAGA Centers is a network of experts in zygomatic implants. A global community with more than 55 maxillofacial surgeons that contribute to advancing the treatment of patients with severe maxillary atrophy.