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An Aesthetics Focus: For Good Reason

In this issue of Dentistry Today, we have several clinical articles focusing on aesthetic topics. As we prepare to attend the CDA Meeting in Anaheim this month, some of our team has just returned from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Scientific Session. While the AACD meeting’s continuing education (CE) focus is primarily on aesthetics, one cannot help but notice that other meetings, like the upcoming CDA Presents, also have many CE offerings dealing with aesthetics.

This focus for the practicing clinician has been growing during the past 20 years, and for good reason. Patients are becoming better educated, and they are demanding a higher level of clinical execution in aesthetic restorations and makeovers. While the perception of beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are guidelines for exactly what defines and creates a beautiful smile. To create true and natural beauty predictably, clinicians must have a commanding knowledge of all the treatment-planning factors involved, the importance of aesthetics in harmony with function, the strengths and the limitations found among modern material options, and the skills to deliver the treatment as required and expected.

Our full-cover features Dr. George Kirtley, an accredited member of the AACD. His article demonstrates the steps to deliver excellent aesthetic results as well as the importance of doctor-technician teamwork. No matter what the treatment prescribed—whether it involves anterior composites or veneers, a single anterior implant and crown, full dentures, an implant-retained prosthesis, or a case like the one George presents—natural beauty and functional harmony are essential to success.

In other articles, Dr. Stephen Buchanan shares an update on dental imaging applications in endodontics; Dr. Steve Cutbirth presents a small-diameter immediate implant case; Dr. Robert Gordon discusses how platelet-rich growth factors are used in perioral and lip rejuvenation techniques; Dr. Robert Lowe outlines the use of a modern self-polishing nanohybrid composite; Dr. Jack Martin et al talk about how biomarker technology may assist in reducing the number of biopsies for oral cancer; Dr. Chuck Schlesinger optimizes success when placing immediately loaded implants; Dr. Sam Simos emphasizes how a smile can affect a patient’s emotions; Dr. Frank Spear discusses facially generated treatment planning for the interdisciplinary management of worn anterior teeth; and, in our peer-reviewed article available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Dr. Lance Kisby presents a review and update on pulp therapy for primary teeth.

Please enjoy this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!