Editor's Page

Applauding Today’s Product Choices

I often point out to my lecture attendees that when I graduated from dental school, the material and equipment choices for delivering restorative dental services were very limited. Indeed, in the following years, we have all witnessed the innovation and development of many choices in new restorative products and related equipment. This explosion in products was born out of the hard work and creative skills of the researchers and product scientists who were often spurred on by competition between manufacturers, the input and feedback of practicing dentists, and the overall desire to benefit and profit by fulfilling the clinical needs of clinicians in meeting the full range of dental treatment desired by their patients. It is my opinion that we should have a sense of deep appreciation as we applaud all those who are responsible for making the plethora of material and equipment choices that is available today. After all, it is because of choices in products that up-to-date clinicians now often have the luxury to present various treatment options, including some that may have once been thought impossible. Clinicians, and the many patients who benefit from the ever-evolving and -improving dental services they offer, should remember to never take all the wonderful choices for granted!

We have a great lineup of clinical case report articles for you this month. As you read and study each article, think about the thoughts shared above, and perhaps it will serve as a reminder of just how dependent your practice is on others to make amazing modern dentistry possible.

We also hope that you will take the time to review the annual Dentistry Today Top 100 Products feature that appears in both the print magazine and the digital edition online at dentistrytoday.com. Based upon readers’ responses, this section contains a brief description of each of the products being showcased along with the manufacturer’s contact information (for those interested in more details).

Please enjoy this informative issue of Dentistry Today!