Editor's Page

Embracing Change

The theme of our February issue is new directions. The technology used in the everyday treatment of patients continues to evolve in ways never thought imaginable just a few decades ago. The increasingly diverse applications of CAD/CAM, 3-D printing, and CBCT have dramatically impacted how doctors are delivering care. The reach of these helpful technologies—as well as ones yet to be discovered—will only grow. To deliver the best dentistry possible, it is important to become involved in a thoughtful selection and implementation of proven technologies.

Even with these advancements, the modern dentist must still maintain a solid knowledge of the basics of dentistry, including how to (1) deliver long-lasting direct composites with predictable success, (2) design and execute preparations that are appropriate for any material chosen, (3) employ principles of occlusion to optimize function and comfort, (4) use an effective doctor-technician team approach, and (5) implement interdisciplinary treatment when indicated. These are but a few examples of the required skills and responsibilities that still lie directly in the mind and hands of the dentist.

In our cover-featured interview, Dr. Michael DiTolla discusses changes for the clinician that have occured as a result of technological innovations. In addition, this issue also contains other articles dealing with the application of new or recently introduced technologies, materials, and concepts along with topics that still involve basic knowledge and concepts for clinical application. Dr. David Beach identifies the role of CBCT in achieving a correct diagnosis; Drs. Paul Belvedere and Douglas Lambert present steps to ensure predictable Class V composite restorations; Dr. Jeffrey Cranska discusses how lasers can be used to treat failing implants; Dr. Lance Kisby shares some clinical indications for a recently introduced flowable composite resin system; Dr. Edward Kusek covers implant fixture and abutment considerations; Dr. Ed Lowe and Mr. Nelson Rego show how to ensure optimal results with partial-coverage posterior restorations; Dr. Elliot Mechanic emphasizes the use of a team approach in achieving excellence; Dr. Frank Milnar shares a case report outlining his technique for direct composite bonding; Dr. Michael Scherer talks about simplifying implant-supported overdentures; and, in the Viewpoint, Christine Taxin shares her views on the referral of patients who present with signs of mental illness. In our formally peer-reviewed CE selection, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Dr. Eduardo Anitua outlines a new clinical protocol for the treatment of peri-implantitis.

Please enjoy this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!