Editor's Page

Spotlight on Technology

This issue of Dentistry Today focuses on a number of authors who have their roots in advances in science and technology. One important arena of technology, CAD/CAM, was introduced to the field in the mid-1980s. The implementation and then subsequent improvements in this still-evolving technology has had a profound impact on clinicians, dental technicians, and patients. Anyone with at least a keen interest in CAD/CAM throughout the years, even if a non-participant clinician at the chair, has certainly been made aware of the tremendous advances in the strength of and aesthetics of restorative options, ease and efficiency of design, material options and manufacturing methods, available prosthetic options, and so on. There is no question that the future will bring even more positive changes to this already advanced realm of technology.

While in-office CAD/CAM dentistry may not be for everyone for a variety of reasons, the majority of dentists practicing today are benefiting from this technology as the nation’s dental laboratories increasingly implement it. In our labs, we have witnessed nothing short of a revolution with CAD/CAM technology. Fewer people can now more efficiently design and fabricate restorations and prostheses at lower costs. And, it has done away with many tasks that formerly required labor-intensive hands-on procedures by highly trained and skilled technicians. However, all this advancement has not been done without considerable angst and growing pains, and technology has still not replaced the need for certain high-skilled technical positions…yet!

This month’s cover-featured article focuses on CAD/CAM dentistry. Dr. Jack Griffin, who has designed and placed thousands of chairside CAD/CAM restorations, deals with matters related to efficiency, aesthetics, and longevity of the work placed.

In other articles this month, Dr. Lorin Berland and Mr. Sami Yared share ways to ensure predictability when matching the shade of a single central incisor; Dr. Barry McArdle looks at ways to make the delivery of local anesthesia more comfortable; Dr. Craig Misch discusses bone grafting concepts and procedures; Dr. Hideki Okumura covers some important factors to consider when treating complex endodontic cases; Drs. William and Tyler Wynne share the case of a young patient with amelogenesis imperfecta; and, in our Viewpoint selection, Dr. Joe Zuaro talks about expanded function dental assistants.

In our formally peer-reviewed selection, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Dr. Ahmad Soolari and Mr. Amin Soolari describe the management of a nontreatable mandibular tooth using ridge augmentation and an implant.

Please enjoy this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!