Industry News

EPA Expands COVID-19 Disinfectant List

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing an expanded list of registered disinfectant products that have qualified for use against SARS-CoV-2, which is the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The list contains nearly 200 additional products, including 40 new products that went through the agency’s expedited review process. The EPA says it also made key enhancements to the web-based list to improve its usefulness. 

“During this pandemic, it’s important that people can easily find the information they’re looking for when choosing and using a surface disinfectant,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler.

“With this expanded list, EPA is making sure Americans have greater access to as many effective and approved surface disinfectant products as possible and that they have the information at their fingertips to use them effectively,” said Wheeler.

While the products on this list haven’t specifically been tested against SARS-CoV-2, they are expected to be effective against it because they have been tested and proven effective on either a harder to kill virus or against another human coronavirus similar to SARS-CoV-2.

The product list also has been updated to include the product’s active ingredient and the amount of time the surface should remain wet to be effective against the given pathogen.

To make the list more consumer friendly, information in the table is now sortable, searchable, and printable, and it can be viewed easily on a mobile device, the EPA said.

These additions make it easier for consumers to find surface disinfectants and instructions for using them effectively against SARS-CoV-2, the EPA added.

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