Finding Your Perfect Patient Match: Unlocking Your Dental Marketing DNA

Written by: Xaña Winans
dental marketing,


For the past 25 years, I’ve been helping dental practices grow, thrive, and, most importantly, find the patients who truly understand them. It’s all about finding that perfect patient match—the people who value your time, respect your work, and appreciate your fees without a second thought. Sound a bit far-fetched? It’s not! You can achieve this by tapping into what I like to call your “Dental Marketing DNA.”

dental marketing

Why You Need a Perfect Patient Match

Let me tell you a secret: attracting just any patient is easy. But attracting the right patients? That’s where the magic happens. These are the patients who walk in knowing exactly what you stand for. They share your values, your passion for care, and they trust you to deliver. They don’t haggle over prices or doubt your treatment plans. Instead, they’re loyal, they show up for their appointments, and they tell their friends how amazing you are. It makes your day so much easier and a whole lot more enjoyable.

So, how do you find these magical unicorn patients? It starts by understanding your own practice’s unique DNA. And I don’t mean just the services you offer or the technology you use—I mean why you do what you do, and what makes you different from the guy down the street. Your Dental Marketing DNA is what attracts the patients who naturally fit with your practice.

Defining Your Practice’s DNA

I’ve heard it all before: “We’re friendly.” “Our team is great.” “We offer comprehensive care.” And while those things are nice, they don’t set you apart. Every practice can say that. What really matters is why you do what you do. Why did you choose to open your practice in the first place? What motivates you to provide the kind of care that you do?

Once you can clearly answer those questions, you’re on the path to defining your Dental Marketing DNA. That DNA is what will attract your perfect patient match—the people who share your values, understand your approach, and stick with you for the long haul.

Your Dental Marketing DNA is made up of three parts: Direction, Needs, and Attributes. Let’s break it down.

  • Direction (D): Where are you heading? This is all about your short- and long-term dental marketing goals. Are you gearing up to sell your practice in a few years, or are you hoping to expand with a couple more offices? Do you want to boost appointments or introduce new services? Whatever it is, understanding your direction helps you lay the foundation for everything else.
  • Needs (N): Once you know where you’re going, the next step is figuring out what you need to get there. It could be a fresh website, stronger SEO, or maybe a killer social media strategy. Every practice is different, and your needs will depend on what you’re aiming to achieve.
  • Attributes (A): Now, this is where the fun happens. What makes you you? Is it the calming atmosphere you create for anxious patients? Maybe it’s your likable chairside manner or your ability to build lasting relationships with patients. This is what really sets your practice apart and makes it special. And trust me, it’s the key to attracting the patients who are the best fit for you.

Creating Your Perfect Patient Avatar

Okay, so now that you’ve defined your practice’s DNA, it’s time to think about your perfect patient. I call this your “Perfect Patient Avatar.” Who are they? What do they have in common? Are they drawn to your high-tech equipment, or do they come to you because you make them feel at ease?

Here are a few questions I like to ask:

  • Who are your most loyal patients, and what do they have in common?
  • What services bring in the most revenue or excitement for you?
  • How do patients usually find you—word of mouth, Google, or social media?
  • What are their psychographics and demographics? Are they soccer moms? Professionals? Are they involved in community groups? What are their hobbies?
  • What kind of relationship do you want with your patients? Do you want to see them regularly, or are you more focused on one-and-done services?

Once you answer these questions, you’ll have a clear picture of your ideal patient. And when you know who that patient is, it’s much easier to tailor your marketing to attract more of them.

Trust me, when you find the right patients, everything becomes easier. They’re less likely to argue over pricing because they already see the value in what you offer. They trust your recommendations, show up to appointments, and refer their friends. They’re not shopping around for the lowest price—they’re looking for the best experience, and that’s what you give them.

Standing Out in a Crowded Market

Let’s face it, dental practices often sound the same. “We offer great care, we’re friendly, we have the latest tech.” But when you tap into your true DNA and communicate why you do what you do, you’ll stand out. Take, for example, a practice I worked with in Maryland. We developed the tagline, “Head to toe wellness, ear to ear smiles.” That line captures their holistic approach in a way that sets them apart from other practices in their area.

Another client in Texas embraced their caring, detail-oriented approach with the tagline, “We put our heart into your smile.” It speaks to their genuine passion for patient care and tells their story in a way that connects with the right patients.

Embrace Your DNA

At the end of the day, understanding your practice’s DNA isn’t just about marketing—it’s about building a practice that reflects who you are and attracts the right people. When you align your practice with your unique DNA, everything clicks into place. Your patients are happier, your team is more engaged, and your practice thrives.

So, are you ready to discover your Dental Marketing DNA and find your perfect patient match? It’s a game-changer for your practice, and it’ll make your marketing so much easier… and more effective. In the meantime, download our free guide on Digital Marketing for Dentists so you know where to incorporate your DNA into your online presence when you’ve captured your DNA and are ready to share it with the world.


Xaña Winans is the CEO and founder of Golden Proportions Marketing, a dental marketing company dedicated to the growth of dental practices. Her agency provides goal-driven, full-service solutions including branding, website design, advertising, and digital marketing. Visit to learn more.

Xaña is a board member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants and has been awarded a Fellowship in the International Academy of Dental Facial Aesthetics. She lectures and publishes regularly about dental marketing.