First Impressions

First Impressions: August 2012

In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience.

Shofu Dental

Sealants are one of the mainstays of protecting children (and adults) from occlusal decay. The benefits of a fluoride-releasing sealant are evident; most sealants, having released their tooth-protecting ions, are simply physical barriers to decay. Unfortunately, sealants are underused; children, particularly young ones, are not particularly fond of the tooth-etching process. The acidic taste of the etch makes the first quadrant difficult and subsequent quadrants positively challenging. Shofu Dental’s innovative BeautiSealant has solved these problems and more. First and foremost, the procedure requires no etching: simply apply primer (5 seconds), air-dry (5 seconds), apply sealant, and light-cure (10 seconds). The absence of phosphoric acid-etching is greatly appreciated by both the children and the hygienists. BeautiSealant is a giomer, containing surface pre-reacted glass. The unique property of this filler material is that it has been clinically shown to recharge fluoride from high-ionic varnishes and rinses. The giomer releases fluoride, sodium, strontium, aluminum, silicate, and borate, all with known bioactive properties. The BeautiSealant primer has dual-adhesive monomers that are designed to penetrate pits and fissures and to prepare them for improved bonding. The ionic recharge and release slows demineralization and promotes remineralization of enamel while exhibiting a demonstrable antiplaque effect. The decrease of bacteria results in a reduction of cariogenic flora and their associated acid production. The bubble-free consistency facilitates application and the 0.92 Al radiopacity differentiates the sealant from both enamel and dentin. The 27-gauge application tip combined with the no-ooze syringe eliminates overfilling and subsequent occlusal adjustment. Etchless, the BeautiSealant is a welcome addition to any preventively oriented practice.
For more information, call (800) 827-4638 or visit

Select HV Etch
BISCO Dental Products

Dentistry courtesy of Dr. Michael Morgan, Hindsale, Ill.

Every practitioner uses acid-etching many times each and every day. This is a predictable and well-established procedure throughout dentistry. The controversies of the early 1990s, when there was serious concern that etching dentin might cause irreversible pulpal damage, have long ago been laid to rest. Most current etching products are rather flowable; they tend to spread extensively on the tooth surface immediately after application. While this seems to have little clinical impact, it must be remembered that every area of enamel or dentin that is activated by an etching material has effectively been demineralized. If it is bonded immediately, there is no long-term adverse effect. If the affected area is not bonded, it becomes a target for bacteria and plaque that can further weaken the tooth surface. BISCO Dental Products’ Select HV Etch is a highly thixotropic etchant for both enamel and dentin that selectively demineralizes only those areas to which it has been applied. The material does not flow! The high viscosity offers pinpoint placement and eliminates run-on onto adjacent surfaces. Thus, it is ideal for the selective or hybrid techniques that require the etching of enamel margins while avoiding contiguous dentin. Select HV Etch contains benzalkonium chloride, an effective antimicrobial agent. It is important to rinse off all etchants prior to adhesive application; Select HV Etch is blue in color for easy visualization and contrast with the surrounding dental tissues. It also washes off hard- and soft-tissue surfaces very readily without leaving any film or residues. Select HV Etch is available in 5-g syringes or in a 40-mL bulk syringe.
For more information, call (800) 247-3368 or visit

Dr. Freedman is a founder and past president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a cofounder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a visiting professor at the Universita di Firenze, Florence, Italy. He is the materials editor for Dentistry Today. He is the author or co-author of 11 textbooks, more than 600 dental articles, and numerous webinars and CDs, and is a team member of REALITY. He lectures internationally on dental aesthetics, adhesion, desensitization, composites, impression materials, and porcelain veneers. A graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Freedman maintains a private practice limited to aesthetic dentistry in Toronto. He can be reached at (905) 513-9191 or