First Impressions

First Impressions: February 2013

In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience.

Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative

Posterior restorations can be rather time consuming. It is difficult to man­ipulate highly viscous composite resin into the nooks and crannies of the preparation and to closely adapt it to the preparation margins. (Anything less than an excellent seal will permit oral fluid and bacterial infiltration, eventually causing the restoration to break down). Furthermore, it is common practice to polymerize every 2 mm layer separately to assure complete cure of the restorative material. The invisible but deadly shrinkage stress of polymerizing composites can open marginal gaps and microfracture cusps. 3M ESPE has re­cently introduced Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative, an innovative posterior restorative material that cures to a depth of 4 mm, thus requiring fewer polymerization steps than conventional, incrementally placed composites. The process is faster and easier; the flowable’s viscosity makes anatomic and marginal adaptation easy and leaves fewer voids. Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable is indicated as a base under Class I and II direct restorations and as a liner under direct restorative materials. In situations where a minimum of half the coronal tooth structure re­mains, it can be used as a core build-up material. It can also be used to repair small enamel defects and as a pit and fissure sealant. Its physical and wear properties are similar to 3M ESPE’s Filtek Supreme Ultra Flowable. The composite fillers consist of zirconia/silica particles ranging from 0.01 to 3.5 µm and ytterbium trifluoride ranging from 0.1 to 5.0 µ. The filler load is 64.5% (by weight, 42.5% by volume). The material is available in 4 shades (U, A1, A2, and A3) that are generally more translucent than most body or enamel shades.
For more information, call (800) 634-2249 or visit the Web site located at

DOE SE Oral Exam System 

Clinical dentists are increasingly called upon to provide more sophisticated diagnostic services. The decision mak­ing that is involved in dif­ferenti­ating disease from health is one of the most important tasks for the dental profession. Any instruments that as­sist the practitioner in identifying abnormal tissues are a welcome addition to the armamentarium. Oral cancer cases have been increasing during the past one to 2 decades and alarmingly so in groups that were not traditionally at risk: younger fe­males with no history of tobacco use or significant al­cohol consumption. The DOE SE Oral Exam System by DentLight is a simplified exam instrument for oral cancer screening. Utiliz­ing a collimated LED beam technology with a customized high-contrast fluorescence viewer, the DOE SE al­lows the dentist or hygienist to directly detect oral lesions without requiring patients to rinse their mouth with a vinegary solution. The solid metal cordless wand can be used both extra- and intraorally for early detection of tissue changes and abnormalities before they become apparent to the naked eye. The full extent of any observed lesion is readily identified for documentation and may be photographed for further analysis. While the lack of fluorescence is not specific for cancer (traumatized, vascularized, and pigmented tissues also ap­pear dark), it does provide an important clue that further ob­ser-vation and/or biopsy may be needed. Simply illuminate the target soft tissues with the DOE SE light and observe through the filter of the specially provided glasses (wearable over regular prescription glasses). Healthy tissue appears greenly fluorescent; questionable tissue appears dark. This allows dental professionals to offer effective and efficient routine examinations that are easily performed chairside to screen for oral cancers, enhancing patient care and long-term health protection.
For more information, call (800) 763-6901 or visit

Dr. Freedman is a founder and past president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a visiting professor at the Universita di Firenze, Florence, Italy. He is the materials editor for Dentistry Today. He is the author or co-author of 11 textbooks, including his most recent textbook Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry (Elsevier), more than 700 dental articles, and numerous webinars and CDs, and is a team member of REALITY. He lectures internationally on dental aesthetics, adhesion, desensitization, composites, impression materials, and porcelain veneers. A graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Freedman maintains a private practice limited to aesthetic dentistry in Toronto. He can be reached at (905) 513-9191 or