First Impressions

First Impressions: May 2012

In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience.

Ultradent Products

Xylitol was first developed in Finland as a sugar substitute during wartime when the commodity was unavailable. Originally isolated from birch trees, xylitol is a natural sweetener found in many fruits and vegetables. It can also be extracted from numerous plants, including raspberries, plums, and corn. In the 1970s, several university studies found that xylitol was able to reduce the risk of dental caries. It is well known that bacteria in the mouth metabolize sugars to produce an acidic waste product that in turn demineralizes tooth enamel and tends to increase dental caries. Xylitol, however, is a 5-carbon sweetener (as opposed to the more common 6-carbon sugars). Bacteria metabolize xylitol much more slowly than conventional sugars, re-ducing intraoral acidity and limiting demineralization and decay. Xylitol is safe at any age. The consump- tion of just 6 to 10 g of xylitol a day helps to prevent tooth decay and dental caries. Ultradent Products’ Xylishield line contains optimal levels of xylitol to assist in the reduction of dental caries risk. Patients can achieve their minimal required xylitol intake through a variety of oral delivery modes. Xylishield Gum, available in cinnamon or spearmint, provides one g per piece. Xylishield Mints, also offered in cinnamon or spearmint, freshen the breath as they raise the xylitol intake. Two breath mints deliver one g. The matching Xylishield Mouthrinse also supplies xylitol as it cleans up the user’s breath. Finally, Xylishield Toothpaste also assists in the reduction of dental caries. The practitioner should create a daily regimen for at-risk patients that includes 6 to 10 g of xylitol to guide them to optimizing their oral health.
For more information, call (800) 552-5512 or visit the company Web site at

RelyX Ultimate

Adhesive resin cements have replaced the zinc phosphates and polycarboxylates of yesteryear. As the new cements have developed, so has the range of restorative materials in the dental armamentarium. Today, the practitioner has the flexibility of selecting from a large array of crown-and-bridge materials, all of which can preferably make use of the same cementation system. 3M ESPE’s new RelyX Ultimate combines Scotchbond Universal Adhesive to deliver excellent bond strength and predictable ease of use. It requires fewer steps than most other resin-adhesive cementation systems. Ultimate can be used with the total-etch, selective-etch, and self-etch procedures to cement CAD/CAM and glass ceramic restorations, resin-nanoceramics, all-ceramics, composite or metal inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, inlay or onlay bridges, all-ceramic or composite veneers, posts, etc. RelyX Ultimate contains no aromatic amine components that can yellow or darken with time, ensuring color stability even with ceramic veneers. The cement is offered in 4 shades—A1, A3 opaque, B0.5 (bleach), and translucent—to suit every likely restorative situation. RelyX Ultimate is 2-component, automix dual-cure resin cement; the mix is always perfect. The polymerization will proceed to completion on its own after mixing or can be accelerated with a light-cure. The resin’s natural fluorescence allows RelyX Ultimate to be utilized in aesthetically critical anterior areas. Its immediate (5 minutes after cure) bond strengths to both enamel and dentin are very high, particularly when the tooth is etched. These bond strengths improve during the next 24 hours and continue to do so as they mature into the long term. RelyX Ultimate provides ultimate versatility and ultimate ease of use.
For more information, call (800) 634-2249 or visit the company Web site at

Flash Max P3 460 4W High Speed Curing Light
CMS Dental

Remember the 40-second cure? Halogen light-curing almost seems prehistoric. Composite restorations were painfully slow; the polymerization of a large Class II restoration could take more than 5 minutes! Diode curing lights have reduced the mean curing time to 10 to 15 seconds per layer, a significant increase in clinical efficiency. Now, the one-second cure is here. The FlashMax P3 460 4W High Speed Curing Light (distributed by Sharper Practice) is an ergonomic, high-intensity curing light that offers enough power intensity to polymerize a conventional composite layer in a single second. It is easy and intuitive to use; the unit’s lightweight and comfortable pen grip decrease hand strain and fatigue over the long clinical day. The FlashMax P3 offers more than 4,000 mW/cm2 of curing power between 440 to 480 nm. The newly developed lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery charge ensures higher capacity and is enough for up to 200 polymerizations, at which time a 2-hour recharge is necessary. The practitioner has the option of presetting the unit for curing times of one-second (the small button) or 3-second (the large button). The FlashMax P3 can be turned around in the hand to optimize access for upper and lower arches, and can activated by identical buttons on either side of the cylinder. The docking (recharge) station has a conveniently small footprint that firmly stabilizes the light on the countertop. The body of the FlashMax P3 has a smooth, easy-to-clean surface, and the autoclaveable cover and disposable tips ensure optimal hygiene. The 2 standard tips, sizes 4 mm and 8 mm, rest on a small hinge and are attached with a firm push. They can be moved up to 15° in the direction of the cover. Flash-cure with the FlashMax P3 460 4W High Speed Curing Light.

For more information, call Sharper Image, CMS Dental’s distributor, at (800) 392-1171 or visit the Web site at

Spa-Dent SD-800 In-Office Whitening System

The in-office bleaching of teeth has always focused upon the hard tissues, making the enamel and dentin as white as possible by the removal of the time-accumulated food and beverage stains within these structures. This at-tention has largely ignored the soft tissues, conventional wisdom being that the soft-tissue irritation and sensitivity were transient and would eventually disappear. Combined with the excessive heating and/or desiccation of the hard tissues that some bleaching systems exhibited, in-office procedures were often less than comfortable for the patient and quite stressful for the practitioner or the auxiliary. Spa-Dent has introduced its innovative SD-800 In-Office Whitening System that utilizes a dual-wavelength technology to address both the hard and soft tissues during bleaching. The blue LED light (450 to 470 nm) has been designed to illuminate at the optimal emission spectrum for the proprietary gel activation. The red LED light (620 to 630 nm) is targeted at the range that is most suitable for regenerating cells and healing gingiva. The blue and red LED lights together (arranged in an arched array of 119 diodes) provide a powerful whitening of the hard tissues combined with cellular stimulation of the soft tissues. There is no heat whatsoever or ultra- violet radiation! The light’s display has a digital timer, an optical sensor, and a timer control which includes up, down, and save functions. It is preset for 15-minute cycles. The kits (which are less expensive than most) contain dual-arch trays preloaded with a precise dosage of whitening material for easy and convenient application. No mixing is required. Regular strength gel does not require soft-tissue barriers. For the SD-800 In-Office Whitening System, there is no learning curve and minimal staff training is needed.
For more information, call (866) 725-6683 or visit the company Web site at

Dr. Freedman is a founder and past president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a visiting professor at the Universita di Firenze, Florence, Italy. He is the materials editor for Dentistry Today. He is the author or co-author of 11 textbooks, more than 600 dental articles, and numerous webinars and CDs, and is a team member of REALITY. He lectures internationally on dental aesthetics, adhesion, desensitization, composites, impression materials, and porcelain veneers. A graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Freedman maintains a private practice limited to aesthetic dentistry in Toronto. He can be reached at (905) 513-9191 or