Success requires more than clinical skill. Dentists also need to manage the business side of their practices. To help give practitioners a better handle on the office side of their work, the Chicago Midwinter Meeting presents “The Business of Dentistry” on Thursday, February 23. Comprising 6 hour-long lectures, this all-day track will explore communication, leadership, and more. Sessions will include the following:
- Empower Your Practice: Know Your Numbers by consultant Lois Banta. Learn how to crunch the numbers to identify trends, solve challenges, and more, including increasing collections and lowering accounts receivables.
- At Last Technology Pays for Itself by Lawrence Emmott, DDS. By understanding the core features of digital technology, dentists can harness the expansion of the Internet and e-services to improve patient care and increase profitability.
- Your Image/Your Brand/Your Success: What Does It Take to Have Your Patients Refer? By consultant Janice Hurley. Body language, verbal skills, and visual impact all play a role in a successful first impression, along with social media, in attracting new patients.
- Leadership & Decision Making: Business Perspective by consultant Ashleigh Rosette, PhD. Instead of reacting to situations, learn how to approach the decision-making process strategically and analytically, evaluating the costs and benefits of alternatives.
- Drama Queens, Pot Stirrers and Problem Makers: Transform Toxic Attitudes to Tremendous Attitudes by coach and author Judy Kay Mausolf. Instead of firing awful employees, try 9 attitude transformers and inspire a culture of appreciation and celebration.
- Measuring the Right Stuff: 3 Drivers of Sustained Growth and Success by Mark Murphy, DDS. Sound business principles, strategies, and metrics can lead to more retained patients, case acceptance, and new patient referrals.
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