Editor's Page

Giving Thanks

We will be celebrating Thanksgiving in the United States again this month. It’s a time to be thankful for family, friends, and others who share our lives and for the blessings of life. It is also a good time to show thankfulness by doing acts of kindness for those who may be less fortunate in life.

We can be thankful for our noble profession and the hard work done, which provides caring services for so many patients. Expressions of appreciation and gratitude make great gifts to give generously to your office teams, laboratory teams, and your patients. And, let’s not forget the dedicated colleagues who work in our dental schools to educate future generations of caregivers and the researchers and manufacturers who often work hand-in-hand to provide an ever-increasing number of quality options for dental care.

Here at Dentistry Today, I am extremely grateful for my entire team who makes the production of this publication possible. I want to extend our sincere thanks to all of our esteemed contributing authors who share a wonderful variety of editorial content. The article lineup this month is yet another example of the many clinical case report articles published every year—all written by dedicated clinicians who are willing to take the time out of their busy schedules to graciously share their experiences and expertise with our interested readers. Thanks and gratitude go out to our many advertisers, who see the wisdom in being present in print and online to increase brand awareness in the promotion of their products and services; it is the advertisers who are ultimately responsible for paying our salaries and all the business costs to make a free subscription to Dentistry Today possible. Finally, but most importantly, we wish to thank you! We owe our success to our loyal readers who have made Dentistry Today the undisputed leader as the longest-running clinical news magazine in North America!

Like many others, the Dentistry Today team will once again be cutting our celebrations with family and friends short to attend the Greater New York Dental Meeting; it’s a yearly ritual of dedication for the work of the magazine. Thankfully, we are looking forward to seeing a number of you in Manhattan again this year!

We hope that you enjoy, and benefit from, another exciting issue of Dentistry Today! Happy Thanksgiving!

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