Industry News

Glasgow to host one of Europe’s biggest exhibitions

Dentists who love their gadgets will find plenty to see and play with at the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Congress in Glasgow in October.
One of Europe’s biggest implant dentistry trade exhibitions is being held alongside the EAO Annual Congress which takes place from October 6-9 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC).

All major trade suppliers are expected to be represented and with nearly 500 stands and hospitality centres, the show will give dentists ample opportunity to meet their colleagues and suppliers.

The Congress has become a showcase for the latest in dental implant hardware and it is now recognised as one of the premier events at which to launch new products.

More than 3,000 dentists, dental clinicians and implant specialists from around the world are expected to attend the EAO Glasgow 2010 Congress to discuss some of the most important issues and dilemmas they face in daily practice.
A world-class faculty of more than 40 speakers and chairs will be participating.

There will also be a wide range of other attractions including multiple parallel sessions, master classes, short oral communications, a poster presentation, EAO Research Prize Competitions in Clinical and Basic Research, and a series of pre-congress ‘step-by-step’ courses. Further industry satellite symposia will be presented by the main sponsors.

“We have nearly 500 abstracts submitted for the Clinical and Research competitions making this one of the leading forums for implant dentistry in the world,” said EAO Scientific Chairman, and EAO Chairman Elect Dr Paul Stone.

There will be simultaneous translation to French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Advance bookings for the trade exhibition already indicate that it is likely to be the biggest ever organised by the EAO.

More details and registration information can be found on the EAO website: