Industry News

GNYDM to Showcase the Digital Dental Experience

Dental professionals attending the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) at the Jacob Javits Center, November 26 to November 29, in New York City can take part in the integrated dental systems (ids) Digital Dental Experience at Booth #600. 

Activities will include an interactive audio/video presentation detailing an end-to-end and fully digital case; nine continuing education seminars with leading digital opinion leaders; and hands-on workshops and demonstrations.

Also, the event will provide a simplified understanding of how to fully integrate a digital workflow into a dental practice and most effectively partner with a lab, ranging from scanning analog impressions to going fully digital through intraoral scanners.

Participants additionally can take advantage of programs that ids will offer at its CE Pavilion by Advanced Implant Educators. Learning from a host of speakers, attendees will be able to further their didactic knowledge and find out all they need to go digital or simply to improve their practice’s current workflow, according to the company.

For more information, call (866) 277-5662.

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