Today's Dental News

Gum Disease Causes Strokes More Often Than Diabetes

New research shows that gum disease in more likely to result in a stroke than diabetes.

The findings show that gum disease is about two times more likely to result in a stroke than diabetes. The information comes from the 89th International Association for Dental Research General Session and Exhibition last month in San Diego.

According to the research, gum disease is one of the biggest risk factors associated with strokes. In fact, the numbers indicate that it’s right up there with high blood pressure regarding the possibility of having a stroke.

Research like this demonstrates why it’s so vital to maintain good oral health. Brushing and flossing on a regular basis, as well as visiting the dentist will enable a person to have good oral health and prevent any worries of health problems stemming from bad dental hygiene.

Gum disease could lead to several other health problems besides strokes or diabetes. Some other health problems resulting from gum disease include dementia, arthritis, complications during pregnancy, erectile dysfunction and reduced fertility.