Industry News

Henry Schein Dental Launches Online Chat Series Live Today From ADA Meeting

Today on the show floor at the ADA annual meeting, Henry Schein Dental will launch #ScheinChats, a social media thought-leadership series that will feature interviews with customers, supplier partners, industry leaders, and more.

The first broadcast will occur at 1:00 (Mountain) this afternoon at the Henry Schein booth (No. 1016). It will feature James P. Breslawski, president of Henry Schein, who will sit down with the ADA’s chief economist and vice president Dr. Marko Vujicic to discuss trends in dentistry and the future of the profession.

For those who aren’t able to attend in person, Henry Schein will be streaming this discussion live on its Facebook page. To watch, visit Also, stay tuned to for more on Henry Schein and other news from the ADA meeting.