Henry Schein Opens Hotline for Wildfire Victims

National Park Service photo by Dan Winings.


National Park Service photo by Dan Winings.

Dentists in Southern California and other areas affected by the current wildfires who are experiencing operational, logistical, or financial issues as a result of their damage can call the Henry Schein Disaster Relief Hotline at (800) 999-9729, with real-time assistance from Team Schein members from 8 am to 7 pm ET.

The hotline remains open throughout the year to provide assistance to practitioners during their preparation for and recovery from disasters. To help meet the challenges of rebuilding a practice in the wake of such an event, practitioners can download the company’s Recovery Guide for Office-Based Practitioners.

‘We stand ready to help healthcare providers whose practices may sustain damage, and we encourage those practitioners to visit our web-based Road to Recovery Resource Center and contact our disaster relief hotline for assistance in reopening their practices as soon as possible,” said Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board and CEO of Henry Schein.

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