Industry News

Hispanic Dental Association 18th Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois – Oral health professionals, students, leaders from allied dental organizations, corporate sponsors and the dental industry met together in Chicago at the historic Palmer House Hilton to attend the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA) 18th Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting theme “Celebrating the Past and Changing the Future” was inspired by an Association milestone – the celebration of their 20th Anniversary as an association.

The Annual Meeting began on Thursday, October 28, 2010, with a Pre-Conference Symposium entitled, “Improving Oral Health Matters, Oral Health Disparities, and Oral Health Access for Hispanics.” The Symposium, moderated by Francisco Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH, included three panels led by experts in the field of dentistry: Sara Grossi, DDS, MS, Brody School of Medicine, Clemencia Vargas, DDS, PhD, University of Maryland Dental School, and Maria Rosa Watson, DDS, MS, DrPH, Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County. Panel Coordinators, Magda A. de la Torre, RDH, MPH, Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD, and Dr. Ramos-Gomez assisted the Panel Leaders with their workgroups of invited guest experts. The Symposium will be published by Aegis Communications through a grant from Colgate-Palmolive.

For more information on the Hispanic Dental Association, please visit their website at