Editor's Page

Implants Today Section Debut

This issue is the debut of Implants Today, led by our distinguished new implant editor, Dr. Michael Tischler. Accor­ding to our observations and knowledge of the profession, major growth is occuring among the general practitioners, and our goal is to embrace and support this dynamic move.

In this new section, I have directed our editorial team to take every advantage of Dentistry Today’s high circulation and top readership ratings to aim squarely at GPs, providing relevant content for clinicians new to implants as well as those with more experience. Our goal is to share practical and scientific information that will assist in the implementation and everyday use of implants and implant restorations. For new submissions, the author guidelines for this section have been revised and require a higher minimum number of references in every case report article. In addition, the proposed topics will be closely vetted, and submitted articles will go through a thorough review process by both the editor-in-chief and the implant editor. When needed, one or more of our Im­plant Advisory Board members may also be called into action in the editorial review process as well.

With regard to our editorial calendar for Implants Today, it will run on a yearly repeating basis, covering 12 different topics. Dr. Tischler will introduce the topic of the month via his editorial page. We intend to develop this section in meaningful ways and to build interest by encouraging online communication with our authors and editors. Due to the communication and support required among the GP and specialist, laboratories, and manufacturers, we will be open to everyone’s input on innovative ways to grow the section.

In this month’s issue, the interview with Dr. Ross Nash and Debra Engelhardt-Nash covers a potpourri of topics that demonstrate their joint expertise in dentistry and practice management; Dr. Steve Buchanan talks about endodontic shaping procedures; Mary Hughes, RDH, and Dr. Gregori Kurtzman discuss doctor-hygienist collaboration; Dr. George Kirtley presents a complex aesthetic challenge; Dr. Barry McArdle et al employ digital technology for success with an implant case; Drs. Steven Olmos and Chase Bennett stress the importance of CBCT prior to treating sleep apnea cases; Dr. Mark Pitel shares his shade-matching protocol; Dr. Amanda Seay centers on the advantages of the latest all-ceramics over PFMs; and Dr. Douglas Terry et al present a discussion on ethics in dentistry in the Viewpoint. In our formally peer-reviewed article, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Drs. Alison Glascoe and Ronald S. Brown present a review of e-cigarettes and associated issues.

Please enjoy this issue of Dentistry Today!