In-Office Bleaching Agents and Composite Resins


The physical properties of dental restorative materials affect the longevity of restorations as well as the aesthetic demands of patients, but bleaching treatments may compromise these properties. A study by Dr. Petros Mourouzis et al investigated the effects of in-office bleaching agents on the physical properties of 3 composite resin restorative materials. The bleaching agents used in the study were hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide at high concentrations. Specimens of each material were prepared, cured, and polished. The authors measured color difference, microhardness, and surface roughness both before and after bleaching, and the data were examined statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference post-hoc test at P < .05. They found that hue and chroma of silorane-based composite resin were altered after the bleaching procedure (P .05). The authors conclude that the silorane-based composite resin tested showed some color alteration after bleaching procedures. The bleaching procedure did not alter the microhardness and the surface roughness of all composite resins tested.

(Source: Quintessence International, April 2013, Volume 44, Issue 4)