Industry News

3M to Host Bioclear Method Training Courses

3M has announced that it will host hands-on training courses across the country featuring Bioclear approved specialists to amplify education of the Bioclear Method. Kits including all of the required Bioclear tools along with 3M’s direct restorative products will be available to dentists who are implementing the method into their practice.

“With the Bioclear Method, Dr. David Clark basically reinvented the Class II restoration,” said Sebastian Arana, president and general manager of the 3M Oral Care Solutions Division. “As he continues to advance superior dentistry through innovative clinical techniques, we share the same vision of improving every life through the products used in those techniques.”

The Bioclear Method is a minimally invasive procedure offering a faster approach that results in long-lasting and aesthetic anterior and posterior composites, the companies report. By combining true engineering and new standardized cavity preparations, they add, along with modern 3M materials and Bioclear instruments, a universal pathway for clinicians is realized. 

“It’s our mission to provide dentists and dental schools with the techniques, tools, and equipment to allow for longer lasting, stronger, and aesthetically superior composites,” said Bioclear founder David Clark, DDS. “I’ve honed the techniques and I’ve tested the products so I know, without a doubt, what works best in the mouth, and that’s why I’m excited to partner with 3M to further the education of dentists in modern restorative techniques.” 

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