Industry News

90% of Dental Practices Now Open for Elective Care

Dentistry’s rebound continues with 90% of practices now open for elective care as of June 1, according to the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) biweekly poll. Only 3% of practices were open in early April, increasing to 65% in mid-May.

HPI further notes that 77% of dentists fully paid their staff for the week of June 1, though employee dentists aren’t being hired back as rapidly as other staff. Patient volume has increased from 38% the week of May 18 to 58% the week of June 1.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) stockpiles are growing in dental offices as well, with 8% of offices saying they don’t have any N95 or KN95 masks, decreasing from 15% two weeks ago and 31% in early May.

Nearly two-thirds of dentists additionally reported that their appointment schedule is at least half full, with 8% fully booked for June.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that dental offices added 245,000 jobs in May after losing 503,000 in April.

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