Industry News

A-dec Begins Producing PPE

A-dec is now manufacturing personal protective equipment (PPE) and is working to develop a variety of PPE products in critical need by healthcare workers.

“For more than 55 years, A-dec has lived by the principle of prioritizing concern for people above all else,” said Scott Parrish, A-dec president and CEO. 

“As a family-owned, Newberg manufacturer, A-dec is proud to bring much needed PPE to Oregon’s healthcare workers. This is what we should be doing during this unprecedented time: working together to solve problems and take care of communities,” Parrish said.

In the wake of the pandemic, A-dec says, it has launched programs and infection control resources to support healthcare professionals practicing dentistry during the crisis. 

After being contacted by a local healthcare worker from Legacy Health with a request for assistance, A-dec says its employees worked around the clock over a weekend to develop prototypes of needed supplies.

Over the course of the next week, A-dec converted several of its manufacturing areas to produce PPE for health and emergency responder systems in the local area. 

A-dec also is calling on other product makers, suppliers, and organizations to support these efforts and reduce the continued risk exposure of workers and patients during the crisis.

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