Industry News

AACD Announces Class of 2012

MADISON, Wis. (2/13/12)–Excellence in cosmetic dentistry can be defined in many ways, but one of them is through AACD Accreditation–the Academy’s coveted credential.

This year, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry welcomes 12 dental professionals to Accredited Member status and two to the AACD Accredited Fellow ranks. It took hard work and perseverance, but they’ve achieved their goal of joining the AACD’s highly acclaimed credentialed group—an experience some AACD members have noted as “life-changing,” both professionally and personally.

Dr. Susan Hollar and Dr. C. Lee Wyant have been named Accredited Fellows in the Academy. Fellowship is the highest level of achievement available to AACD members. The purpose of Fellowship is to provide a higher level of achievement for members in accordance with the AACD’s mission of education and excellence.

The Newly Accredited members are:

• David K. Chan, DMD
• Todd L. Cochran
• C Kent Decker, CDT
• Chiann Fan Gibson, DMD
• Gesica T. Horn, DDS
• Phillip A. Kemp, DDS
• Lonnie Lee, CDT
• Rebecca K. Pitts, DMD (Accredited Laboratory Technician)
• Lauren J. Shanard, DDS
• Todd C. Snyder, DDS
• Aliasger Tunkiwala, BDS, MDS
• Ossie R. Vereen, CDT, MDT

The Accreditation process, which was developed by the AACD and is the world’s most recognized advanced credentialing program, encourages further education, interaction with like-minded colleagues, and the opportunity for professional growth. Accreditation requires dedication to continuing education and responsible patient care. To earn the credential, individuals were required to pass a written and oral examination, and submit several different case types.

“Accredited dentists and laboratory technicians are the most passionate and committed dental professionals, and we welcome these 12 individuals to the ranks of Accredited member status, and two to Accredited Fellow status,” said Dr. Nils Olson, chairperson for AACD Accreditation. “Through their hard work, these individuals have shown that they dig deeper and question standard practices to reach a higher level of dentistry—to achieve a beautiful smile.” 

Both the newly Accredited and Accredited Fellows will receive their recognition and award at special ceremony at the Annual AACD Scientific Session in Washington, DC. Their cases also will be displayed in the Showcase of Excellence at the session.

More information about Accreditation and Fellowship can be found on the AACD’s website,

About the AACD
The AACD is the world’s largest non-profit member organization dedicated to advancing excellence in comprehensive oral care that combines art and science to optimally improve dental health, esthetics, and function. Comprised of more than 6,300 cosmetic dental professionals in 70 countries worldwide, the AACD fulfills its mission by offering superior educational opportunities, promoting and supporting a respected Accreditation credential, serving as a user-friendly and inviting forum for the creative exchange of knowledge and ideas, and providing accurate and useful information to the public and the profession.