Industry News

AAE Contributes $10,000 to Mass. Ballot Initiative ‘Vote YES on Question 2’

The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) announced it is contributing $10,000 to the “Vote YES on Question 2 For Better Dental Benefits” November 2022 ballot initiative.

“Yes on 2” seeks to reform dental insurance Medical Loss Ratios (MLRs).

Massachusetts medical insurers have been held to an 88% MLR standard since 2006. There is currently no MLR rate for dental insurers.


The referendum will ensure MLRs also apply to dental plans, establishing an 83 percent threshold and requiring insurers to refund any excess premium to customers.

MLR mandates payers spend a certain percentage of the dollars they receive from patients to pay for actual care. This is an effective way to ensure insurance plans use dollars wisely.

The AAE Board of Directors voted to make the contribution during its Interim Board Meeting Oct. 14-15 in Houston.

“The AAE Board steadfastly supports ‘Yes on 2’, and we are thrilled to be demonstrating this support through our contribution,” said Dr. Stefan I. Zweig, President of the AAE. “This ballot initiative serves as an impetus to improve dental Access to Care and health equity in the state of Massachusetts, and it could lead to reform throughout the country.”

Voting YES will also require dental carriers to disclose other financial information each year.

“YES on 2” also is also supported by the American Dental Association, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Massachusetts Dental Society and Massachusetts Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, along with other grassroots voter groups.

The American Association of Endodontists is proud to join our friends and colleagues in support of this important initiative.

About the American Association of Endodontists

The AAE is headquartered in Chicago and represents more than 8,000 members worldwide. Endodontics is one of 12 dental specialties formally recognized by the American Dental Association. The AAE, founded in 1943, is dedicated to excellence in the art and science of endodontics and to the highest standard of patient care.

The association inspires its members to pursue professional advancement and personal fulfillment through education, research, advocacy, leadership, communication, and service.

For more information about the AAE, visit the association’s website at

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.